Friday, June 23, 2017


Measure your new furniture, your entry ways, stairways and/or elevators

Important thing to keep in mind is that what fits in your apartment may not actually be able to get into your apartment, this step often gets overlooked, but it’s an important one. Shoppers typically measure the room where their new furniture will go, but they forget that the furniture has to get into the room through doorways and/or elevators. a couple measurements will help substantially , get your measurement tape to and write down the width, height, and diagonal length of the doorways and hallways , (diagonal is the straight line joining two opposite corners of a square, rectangle, or other straight-sided shape) so you can compare these measurements to the items of your selection in showroom.
Make sure the length, height, width, and diagonal depth of all items you intend to purchase, are less than the respective entryways, stairways or elevators you are taking the furniture through

To avoid situations where your new furniture can’t fit the space, it is always advisable to look for items that come in sections or parts especially with narrow doors or doorways, sharp turned staircase or low roofs

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Monday, May 15, 2017

Useful Information before you buy your new furniture

As you are preparing to bring your room to a new exciting look. There are few aspects to consider:

1.    Create a theme: Have a second look at the room you are furnishing and check if the wall colors will match of form a theme of colors before you buy, another thing to consider is the design and color of your blinds/curtains, make sure they match the theme you are creating
2.    Measure:  do you know the pieces that you see in a store will fit when they arrive? If not then get your tape measures ready and measure the area where you are going to place your new furniture into, not only this, but equally important to measure your doorways, and hallways to ensure the furniture will pass through to the intended place, in addition measure your windows height as you don’t want a sofa or a headboard to block the natural light shining through your room
3.    Make sure you have the suitable lighting where you intend to place your new furniture, as the lighting you have can make a big difference on how your new furniture will look, and whether the light color will have an affect on the fabric of leather color, not only this but if the lighting fixtures you have will